Saturday, March 31, 2012

Smoke free campus

Many people are bringing up issues with the tobacco free campus USI offers. As for me I do not see a problem with this restriction because I do not smoke or use tobacco. However I could see where this could be a disappointment for many. Overall I feel as if USI took a positive step with this decision and I hope to see this continue. When going out in public, most restaurants are smoke free or have smoke free sections which are a good thing. For me nothing is more annoying than inhaling second hand smoke. It causes me to lose my appetite and begin to cough. When I learned USI was a tobacco free campus, I didn’t think much of it at first, but now I realize how thankful I am for that. Not only is the second hand smoke harmful to everyone, smoking pollutes the air. Another positive outcome from banning smoking on campus is littering. Almost anywhere you walk in public you can find cigarette butts. If people had a recyclable storage unit to put these butts in after use then it wouldn’t be a big deal. However most people choose to stomp them out and let them lay. Another form of tobacco that is banned from the campus could be chewing tobacco. This comes in a dip form or a pouch. Many people try to argue and say this doesn’t have those same effects as smoking in harming the environment or people. In most ways that is true. However if people were to spit the pouches out those do not disintegrate. Therefore, the pouches are left to lie along with the cigarette butts. I feel as if having tobacco free campus is a good thing because the majority of USI students do not use tobacco. I also feel as if people can smoke in their cars before class, or after they get out. It is not necessity during classes.

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